Dr. Dasapta Erwin Irawan is assistant professor in hydrogeology. He is working as an active researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung. He focuses his research on translating hydrochemical data to understand the underlying hydrogeological system. He is also actively participating in promoting open science movement and the importance of science communications to Indonesia's research ecosystem.

Various national and international talks have been delivered by him to raise the awareness of freedom in research and publishing. In 2017 with some diverse colleagues, he created the INArxiv as the first preprint server of Indonesia (osf.io/preprints/inarxiv) with the support of the Center for Open Science. Then under a collaboration with Indonesia Science Institute (LIPI) and Indonesia Open Science Team, he also led the initiation of RINarxiv (rinarxiv.lipi.go.id). Currently he actively serves as a member of the advisory board for ON-MERRIT, Open Knowledge Maps, Researcher to Reader Conference, and Team member of AsapBio. You can see list of his works on ORCID.
